Male escorts in Neuquen province - Argentina

Ale Discreto Vip Male Escort
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Ale Discreto Vip
Ale Discreto Vip - Male escort

Relaxing massages - naturist and more... in my bed. REAL VIP SERVICE FOR SOLVENT PEOPLE. I have Visa for the United States.

I provide professional care to solvent people. I have Visa for the United States.

I am located in Neuquén, Argentina
Today I am available Full Time

Relaxing massages - naturist and more... in my bed. REAL VIP SERVICE FOR SOLVENT PEOPLE. In a reserved and discreet space. Privacy and confidentiality are two pillars that characterize me. I am attentive, neat, formal and dominant. Good endowment. Full service (includes shower and coffee break service).

I provide professional care to solvent people. REAL VIP service for gays, gay couples, bisexuals and curious men willing to live a different experience without prejudices in a reserved and discreet space. I fulfill your fantasies. Privacy, professionalism, good treatment and confidentiality are pillars that characterize me. My commitment is to your satisfaction. I'll wait for you. (Includes shower service and Coffeebreak)

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